04: Thankful For Sound

In honor of Thanksgiving, Craig, George, and a number of their guests share why they are thankful for sounds. Enjoy the holidays and join us in reflecting on the sounds in our lives.

Music featured:
Language of Kings – “Deconstructing the Fauna” from Bent

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03: Walk with your Ears

Craig recently visited the Indianapolis Art Center to find out more about the ArtsPark and  how their Sensory Path plays with senses and expectations. Patrick Flaherty and Ben Shine from the IAC help illuminate this unique use of sound in the environment.

Music Featured:
Eric Radoux – “Downstairs” from Do I Refuse and “Credit” from Credit

Read More: The Soundscape by R. Murray Schafer

Sonic Experience: A Guide to Everyday Sounds by Jean-Francois Augoyard

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Click here for a transcript of this episode.

Hear what happens after you spin Sadashi Inuzuka’s Circle” at the IAC in the episode above!

02: Foley Follies

You might not know what foley is, but you know what it sounds like. Craig and George take on an assignment from a former sound designer and foley artist, Scotty Iseri, and give you a glimpse into what it takes to be a foley artist.

Music featured:
Language of Kings – “Uprooting the Flora” from Bent, “Riley Ann Helms” from Heavy Hands and “Cry It Out, Hun” from Heavy Hands.

Read More:
The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and Animation by Vanessa Theme Ament

The Sound Effects Bible: How to Create and Record Hollywood Style Sound Effects by Ric Viers


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